Homemade oil discharge to not be matted hair in summer

Banana and honey

Mashed bananas and mix with honey, you've got a extreme discharge oil blend good for dry hair. The two materials have very good moisturizing application, especially when you lather up your hair for 30 minutes before using the shampoo.

Mashed bananas and mix with honey, you've got a extreme discharge oil blend good for dry hair.


After you finish shampooing, take about 1 cup of beer to discharge onto the hair, massaging within 5-10 minutes. Then flush again with clean water. If you exhaust regular hair with beer will stimulate accelerated growth cycle of the hair, help hair long fast.

Exhaust regular hair with beer will stimulate accelerated growth cycle of the hair.

Grapefruit seeds

Grapefruit seeds, soak the crushed Volkswagen in warm water for about 20-25 minutes. Soaking in warm water has the effect to the substance in grapefruit seeds come on out of the water. Note the water level to the horizontal grain of the submerged grapefruit. Then use Grapefruit seed oil change water discharge will hair sleek.=
