If you eat 7 fruits, you will never be able to lose weight as you wish

We always assume that, as long as the fruit is very good for the body, eating nostalgic and not worrying about fat or bad skin. But is the truth like that?

According to Paula Simpson, nutrition expert, founder of the prestigious functional food brand Zea Skin Solutions (GNC), "The variety of fruits and vegetables will help improve health. But some fruits contain lots of sugar and lack fiber. " The expert added: "These fruits are classified as high GI, which means that if you eat too much, they will cause your blood sugar to rise or become unbalanced, putting you in a state of not alert and gaining weight over time " . So what are the types of fruits that can affect your health and hinder your weight loss process? Let's review the list below.

1. Litchi fruit

Paula Simpson, a dietitian and founder of the Zea Skin Solutions brand, shared that 128 grams of fabric contained 29 grams of sugar, more than a single Red Bull energy drink, but less than 2 grams of fiber. there; Therefore, it can be considered that this poor fruit of fiber is not good for losing weight, keeping your shape and protecting your acne-free skin.

2. Mango

According to nutritionist Jenny Champion: "It is not random that mangoes are considered a symbol of tropical holidays; perhaps because 128 grams of mangoes contain 23 grams of sugar - the equivalent of eating a bag of candy. Plastic Sour Patch Kids ".

3. Bananas

Although bananas help provide an abundance of potassium and trace elements to strengthen the body; however, this fruit contains quite a lot of sugar and you should not eat bananas regularly as a way to maintain a slim physique. In case you want to "bounce" energy without wanting to add sugar to your body, "replace with fruits like: blueberries, raspberries," according to dietitian Lisa Moskovitz.

4. Cherry fruit

Cherry is a very easy fruit that makes people stop eating. But be careful because according to nutritionist Brooke Alpert, only 1.2 lumps of cherry contain 18 grams of sugar and imagine if you don't "squeeze your mouth" with this fruit, your body will use it. How many sugar-making packages do the whole weight loss and skin beauty process fail?

5. Grapes

According to expert Jenny Champion: "The ideal amount of grapes for health that you should load into your body is 17, but think when was the last time you stopped at number 17?". There are two more problems, this fruit is extremely poor in fiber and contains up to 15 grams of sugar / 128 grams of grapes; So it is not helpful for your weight loss, bodybuilder.

6. Coconut

The amount of fat is also a concern when it comes to fruits, especially coconuts. According to Maria Bella expert: "Extremely high caloric and fat coconut flesh. So, you need to be careful with the amount of copra that is tolerated by the body, especially during the time you are losing weight."

7. Pineapple

You will feel a little surprised with pineapple - the kind of fruit that you still whisper to each other is to reduce fat. And in fact, according to Maria Bella nutrition expert: "Pineapple is not only high in sugar (16 grams of sugar / 128 grams of pineapple) but also very high in calories. But the plus point is that this fruit contains manganese - an element that helps control blood sugar, and we can treat this as a compensation; however, you should only eat pineapple in moderation. "
