If you know the miraculous beauty of this banana peel, make sure you will not waste it

Banana has always been known as a healthy food containing essential nutrients for the body such as fiber, antioxidants or vitamin C. Few people know that banana peel has many uses. 'miraculous' like beauty and pain relief. Let's dig deeper through the article below.


The skin will be provided with the necessary amount of vitamins to make the face brighter, fight wrinkles and limit aging. If you're too fed up with facial wrinkles that don't work out, try rubbing the inside of a banana peel over your skin.

The necessary amount of vitamins will be sufficiently provided, help the skin whiten, clear wrinkles and limit aging. This material also has the ability to reduce dark circles on our 'night owls' eyes. With just a simple, easy-to-find ingredient, you can own a fresh skin at home.


Fatty acids - one of the common acids found in scars. This is probably another use of banana peels that few people know about. Bananas contain fatty acids - one of the acids found in scars. It can also reduce redness caused by skin irritation or insect bites.

Try applying a banana peel on the affected area and overnight. Consistently do this every single day to quickly remove unwanted scars and redness on your skin.


When you use foods containing stimulants like tea or coffee, yellow plaque on the teeth will appear. Try rubbing banana peels on your teeth continuously for two minutes every day to see results. It contains a lot of potassium that helps limit the appearance of stains, and also helps whiter teeth after only a period of use.


Potassium helps you feel better and more relaxed. If a swollen acne day makes you feel uncomfortable and unconfident, remember the banana peel. The amount of vitamins C, E, potassium, zinc, iron and manganese in banana peels will help to ease the swelling on the face. At the same time, lutein and carotenoids are also compounds in fatty acids that will help prevent acne and reduce swelling and inflammation. Every day, you only need to spend 5-10 minutes to apply a banana peel to the swollen areas, the results will certainly not disappoint you.

With some of the above, you do not need to throw away the skin when eating bananas anymore, right? But note, use fresh banana peels to achieve the best effect during the beauty process.
