Intensive skin whitening recipes of Thai women

Clean the skin by me

Me help exfoliate and boosting the circulation below the skin.

Ingredients: honey, tamarind juice, yogurt.

How to do:

A nature lightened skin characteristic of Thai girls is the result of me. Mix a teaspoon of honey, one table spoon of tamarind water and four cups of yogurt. DAB the mixture evenly on the skin and massage gently before bathing. The mixture on the help deep cleaning, Exfoliating and boosting the circulation below the skin.

Turmeric powder and sandalwood essential oil

Turmeric powder and sandalwood essential oil is skin whitening methods so long of Thai women.

Ingredients: flour, turmeric, sandalwood essential oil, rice flour, essential Jasmine oil.  How to do:

Mix the two spoons of turmeric powder, sandalwood essential oil a Cup, a cup of jasmine essential oil and two tablespoons rice flour to form a slightly Pasty mixture. They DAB the mixture onto dry skin, rub and massage the round under the light for about 30 minutes, then this page clean with clean water.

This is one of the methods of skin care of the Thai woman was there for so long. This not only helps the skin whiter, smoother but also obscured cons on the skin.

Lemongrass and Basil

Ingredients: bulbs, Lemongrass, ginger, basil, lemon peel, raw

How to do:

Heat this mixture in round 10 minutes and wait for the warm bath water again use to cleanse the body.

This simple bath water will help your body healthy and fresh skin.=
