It turns out this is the beauty ingredient that the happiest country in the world use simply and easily

Beauty is not classified as gorgeous, but Bhutanese women possess extremely beautiful beauty, not mixed. They were blessed with slim physique thanks to the small skeletal structure, unclear but balanced eyes, lips not too full but good-looking. The beauty of women in the happiest country in the world is considered delicate and fragile.

It is said that the beauty of Bhutanese women feels comfortable like being in a warm home. This feeling comes from the very lifestyle that makes the Bhutanese brand: always happy with the smallest things.

In Bhutan, there is no such thing as women wearing too much makeup or abusing beauty cosmetics like many other countries. In the nation of the top level of happiness, there is only one organic cosmetic brand called Bio Bhutan, which creates lip balm, shower gel, balm and some similar products.

Priority of natural beauty products and scientific eating is the key to Bhutanese beauty.

In addition to cosmetics of natural origin, Bhutanese women also maintain a diet rich in green vegetables and plenty of water. Green vegetables are grown completely naturally, without chemicals while drinking water ensures the purest, taken from the most beautiful mountains.

In parallel with eating, beauty without chemicals, women Bhutan particularly favored the method of soaking in natural hot stone baths. This method is said to help purify the skin as well as the whole body, providing relaxation and refreshment, helping to maintain beauty from deep inside.

In Bhutan, honey is one of the most popular beauty ingredients. To exfoliate, women use honey mixed with lemon juice and brown sugar, rub on their face, massage thoroughly before rinsing with water.

For healthy hair, they mix a spoonful of honey with a few drops of olive oil, apply it to the hair and rinse it with water after 20 minutes.

To deal with chapped lips or scars, they apply honey straight to their lips, leave them overnight or on scars, they will heal much faster. Honey is also applied to the heel of the Bhutanese woman, the most neglected place on the body, and then worn on the outside and awaits the miracle the next morning.

Honey and hot stone baths are the two most popular beauty forms in the happiest country in the world.
