Morning menu help quick skin white


Apple Smoothie

Drain the asparagus and vitamins that help skin beautiful.

Ingredients: apples, asparagus, tree 3 1 box yogurt, vegetable sprouts

Cut cooked asparagus mixed with sliced apples, vegetable sprouts and tomato in a breakfast is the secret to the always radiant skin. Sprouting fiber-rich meals of fruit and yogurt may stimulate digestion, prevents aging coming soon, for spotless skin.

Kiwi Smoothie

Material: 3 kiwi, Peel, slice, 2 ripe banana, 1 box white yogurt, 3 spoons honey or sugar

For the yogurt, kiwi. Thai banana pieces and honey in Blender. 2 cover and press the pureed. Pouring out drinking cups, can add ice if desired.


Barley milk porridge

Delicious barley milk porridge, just additional helping white pink.

Whitening effects of barley has been known for a long time with the main components such as proteins, vitamins B1, B2, helps smooth skin, reduce wrinkles or black pigment. Just mix the milk with a few spoons of wheat noodle and stir as you had porridge oatmeal milk delicious, just additional helping white pink.

Boiled eggs

Boiled eggs are rich in protein and convenient to prepare, low in calories, yet very nutritious. Collagen is very important for your skin, as well as vitamin A, vitamin E, all these substances have many in the egg. They prevent the oxidation of the cells. Did you know that just one boiled egg đãcung enough 10% protein needs of the day.=
