Proper face wash helps your skin look better

The process of night skincare is often more concerned by us. Not only is this the right time after the skin has been exposed to dirt and pressure on a long day, but this is also the time when we have more free time for each step of skin care.

However, it was also because of the thought that evening skin care was very careful, so many girls missed the morning skincare process, or improper morning skin care. The basic errors that are encountered in skin care in the morning can be mentioned as: Remove makeup before washing your face, do not supply moisture right after washing your face, wash your face with hot water .

Do not supply moisture immediately after cleansing

If you just wash your face and leave it there, the skin will be dry and gray for a whole day and over time, a regular lack of moisture will make the skin quickly age. But after washing your face, it is not a good idea to leave your skin dry and then apply moisturizer. Because, the only osmotic optimal skin nutrients, moisturizing effect is best promoted when the skin is still moist.

Using a cleanser with a pH too high

In the evening, you can find deep cleansing cleanser, even more gentle exfoliating effect because anyway, the skin at that time has gone through a long day of makeup, applying anti-ice cream. sunny and exposed to dirt . should be completely released from harmful impurities.

However in the morning, the skin's need is simply removed of excess oil, bacteria, sweat. So in the morning you only need to use a mild product with a moderate pH.

PH is the ratio between alkalinity and acidity. The pH of the cleanser plays an extremely important role because it directly affects the skin cell membrane. Too high a pH makes the skin dry, tense, stimulates aging, wrinkles and sagging skin. Meanwhile, too low a pH will irritate the skin. Therefore, when choosing a cleanser, they should choose the ideal pH cleanser from 6 to 6.5.

Wash your face incorrectly

Washing your face the wrong way not only makes your skin not thoroughly cleaned but also causes your skin to sag and wrinkle. When washing our face, we should pay attention to using our fingertips to massage the skin in the form of a circle, from inside to outside and from bottom to top.

Remove pages before washing your face

Many girls are too careful, perform more steps to remove makeup before cleansing in the morning to clean skin perfectly. But this very good listening action is so damaging to the skin because it is like using a cleanser too much, adding a step of removing makeup only to wash away the natural oil layer, to erase the skin barrier and the result , irritated skin, lesions, even acne.

Wash your face with warm water

Using warm water to wash your face is a mistake we all make. You should never use warm water to clean your face because it will make your skin produce more sebum. So what you should do is wash your face with plain water, clean it and then finish using some cold water. Cold water will open pores and allow better facial cleansing.

Apply too many products at once

Dry skin girls often have a habit of putting a lot of things on their faces to prevent worrying about dry, flaky skin every morning. However, the morning is not the time to take care of your skin because you will have to leave the street soon after and be exposed to a lot of dirt. Therefore, the nutrients you apply to your skin also unknowingly become counterproductive for your skin.

Washing face seems to be the simplest thing in skin care process but that doesn't mean everyone knows how to wash their face properly. These are the most common face wash mistakes in the daily routine that you should change. If you know how to take care of your skin, your skin will always be bright and radiant.

If you don't wash your face properly, this will cause your skin to become wrinkled and easy to age, as well as dull or easy to break. For healthy, young skin, wash your face properly with the following steps:
