Quick weight from fruits

Weight loss from PEAR

PEAR has the effect of cough, phlegm, blood, nourishing pepper cure, khản ... and also a food weight loss extremely effective. Pears contain protein, cenlulose, phosphorus, iron, calcium, vitamins B1, B2, C. high nutritional content but low calorie PEAR should be very suitable for those who are implementing weight loss.

Eating a PEAR before meals help you won't crave the feel of dishes many greasy or starch are here to cause weight gain. Or use 1 Apple and 1 grilled PEAR, drink 2 times a day. If you drink within 2 weeks you will see the filter effects the body and reduce the urge to eat this very good for weight loss.

 Fruit wine sauteed fabric

Result of cloth have the cool sweetness which helps lose weight very effective and extremely tasty.

How to do: the fabric peeled retrieved leper for spinning in microwave for about 5 minutes for hunting and cloth slips do not evaporate. The sweetness of the fabric at this very tough and tasty, in a bowl and marinated with 1 glass of wine within 30 minutes, when the rose is red mixture, then remove the fabric slips were marinated with wine sauteed via the kitchen up. One week you just eat 3 meals sauteed fabric wine, delicious weight loss effective again.

Eat grapefruit to lose weight

Grapefruit is a fruit rich in proteinn, organic acid, calcium, magnesium, sodium, cheese phôt, vitamin C, insulin and other ingredients but contains no fat and low calorie. So, dietitians said that when enjoy few grapefruit time zone will bring the beautiful people is a sense of no, and the substance in grapefruit also control blood sugar balance.

From there, you can also enjoy the taste of grapefruit in the winter without having to worry to the variation of the shape and weight of the body.

Effect of Pomegranate slimming

Pomegranates have very low energy, a lot of fiber, so you can eat pomegranate comfort without worry about gaining weight. In addition, the pomegranate fruit is also good for weight loss without affecting your health like other foods.

Pomegranate juice contains more sodium, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus, help reduce harmful cholesterol levels, and defeated the body fat, especially in the abdomen.

A very special ingredient available in pomegranate fruit, help prevent the digestion of fat in the diet, thus reducing the absorption of fat in the body. At the same time burn the excess fat accumulation in the body have long helped the sisters quickly regain the ideal measurements.

Although pomegranate good for losing weight but this fruit is not commonly used because they are quite hard to eat, has many seeds. Instead it takes quite some time to eat a pomegranate fruit, try the delicious Pomegranate juice, appealing to lose weight daily, this will simply and efficiently than many.

Eat guava has the weight loss effects

Guava is quite common fruit in Vietnam. With inexpensive back there year around so the guava fruit very much young and favorite sister. If the sisters want to lose weight should eat regular guava. By this is also a very weight loss menu save that high efficiency.

Guava rinse, Peel, removing four additional counties in the Middle for guava on presses take water. Guava juice bottling into glass, remove the 1 ½ spoon of sugar, spoonful of salt, stir to melt, for the stone tablets on and ready to enjoy.

In addition to drinking guava juice before meals, you can use a little bit of fresh guava, this has the effect of making you stop hunger and would at least load more food. This way also helps lose weight very well.=
