Recipes reduce 19 kg of 'beautiful people with short legs'

After child birth son Lorenzo, Snooki hosts (real name Nicole Polizzi Elizabeth) is very unhappy about the heavily overweight body. In particular, with modest height 1m42, American actor The Three Stooges as possible feel inferiority with stature, rounded fat. Due to the nature of the work often have to appear before the public, the star 's determination to squeeze all balance and as a result she fell was 19 kg.

Compared with the new body at birth, all of a sudden you are beautiful na Snooki hosts over after falling 19 kg (right).

Shares in the Us Weekly, Snooki hosts for or, the key to achieving your goals fat loss so impressive as a healthy diet and regular exercise plan. Talk about abstinence approach, she stressed: "If you want the body weighed 70 or 80 kg, you can consume 1600 calories per day. Also, I only load 1300 calories per day in order to help the body down the weight of science ".

After two months, she has reduced 9 weight only thanks to the breast-feeding . After that, the actress began to get acquainted with the 1300 calorie diet per day. To do this, you have to calculate the precise and up the menu for every meal to ensure consistently below 1300 calories. The favorite dishes of her daily is sandwiches with lettuce, boiled chicken meat (or Grill) and strawberries. In addition, she also tried drinking lots of water, limit these foods high in fat, carbs to boost your weight loss.

Each week, the star steadily gym gym 4 days. Under the guidance of a fitness trainer Anthony Michael, Snooki hosts burn excessive fat by exercises like cardio, jogging on the boxing, ...

After a period of dieting combines hard exercise, she was down to 10 kg and get in shape, neatly toned maiden. So, Snooki hosts has reduced a total of 19 pounds thanks to breast-feeding and abstinence approach. She confided: "in the last three months of pregnancy, I was eating to take control should the time after birth to quite strenuous workout. However, I am never tired but also feel very hyper, energetic energy by exercising more will help the body better to surprise ".=
