Scrubs extremely fast with sweet potatoes

Exfoliate with sweet potatoes

Way 1:

Sweet potatoes are the Scrubs are very good.

Sweet potatoes are the scrubs are very good, and very simple way, simply Exfoliating face mask made from sweet potatoes. First you cooked sweet potatoes and then slice into thin, Thai side up in round 10 minutes. If you don't have time for this, you can mash to force retrieved of sweet potatoes and then use cotton DAB up the face, to within 5 minutes for the nutrients penetrate the skin then rinse clean with water. Done 2 times a week to see results.

Method 2:

Not only have new potatoes have the effect of beauty, that sweet potato broth also brings quite a number of positive benefits for the skin, including the dodging the dead cell layer. Due to the mild nature of the broth should suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

Take ½ Cup of the broth into 2 spoons of oatmeal and 1 spoonful of yogurt, mix them together to form a mixture of glue stick. Wetting the skin, then use to gently rub the mixture onto the surface of the skin for 15 minutes. Finally a clean bath and lotion.=
