SE pores with red beans

Red beans not be sour but contains vitamin C significantly helping bright white. Vitamin C has the effect of preventing the free radicals (causes of wrinkles), protect skin from the effects of the Sun. Vitamin E limited dispersal of pigment causes strongly stain human skin.

Red beans not be sour but contains vitamin C significantly helping bright white.

SE pores with red beans

Way 1:


1 cup red bean powder (about 50 g raw or cooked is)

Egg white

1 teaspoon lemon juice

How to do

Red bean powder mixed with egg white and lemon juice, if the mixture is too quánh can add a little milk to be gelatinous mixture, up to the 15 minutes then use a DAB of warm water are face up and purge away layer mask.

Method 2:


2 spoons of red bean powder

2 spoons of honey

1 spoon lemon juice

How to do:

Mix all the above ingredients to form a paste mixture. Up up the face and neck for about 15 minutes. Rinse with clear water.=
