Simple blackhead treatment with fresh ginger

Ginger oxygen resistant, anti aging vitamin E stronger than do contain antioxidant activities 12. With the sisters have freckles, blackheads, black spots on the face, scarring intensive dry skin, ginger also has the effect of treatment is very good.

Ginger oxygen resistant, anti aging vitamin E stronger than do contain antioxidant activities 12.

The rich content of natural vitamin B1, B6, minerals, starch. nutrients ... Fresh ginger helps against aging skin cells, limiting the proliferation and development of blackheads.

How to treat blackheads with ginger

To treat blackheads by Ginger effectively, his sisters choose to buy fresh real ginger root, rinse then let into his retirement. For the Ginger had to retire into the lavatory and then pour the hot water for approximately 5 minutes for the nutrients in ginger.

You add more cold water to warm levels just enough cleanser, especially for those positions are more blackheads, sisters themselves should pay attention and care for Ginger gently flapping. Should incorporate more massaging movements to achieve the best results.

Brewing water for washing with a little ginger both bright or dark, once a day, performing regularly in 60 days will see results.

How to preserve ginger

Fresh ginger contains a lot of water as well as essential oils, thus preserving it is best to dry, if not easier, b., turning the color. If the appearance of ginger wither, pale peel away, that embodies the essential oil was lost, no longer will the healing effects. Use fabric or wooden boxes to preserve ginger will keep for long.

Pay special attention, ginger was the damaged should not be used. However, that eat into what is not different flavors, but in fact it will produce very strong toxicity, harmful to the liver.

Other uses of ginger

Anti-vomiting, motion sickness, nausea and vomiting.

Anti-inflammatory analgesic, antiseptic, detoxifying.

The room sensor repair, treatment of heatstroke, cool, reduce fatigue.

Antioxidant, inhibiting the tumor.

Stimulates the appetite.

Cure diarrhea.

Cure physiological impotence.=
