Simple recipes to be charming rounded, taut breasts

Massage with ice cold

Cold Stone has the effect of astringent skin outside and cool off the fat cells under the skin so it will make a nice and more toned. Just split the rock into two parts, sealed package on 2 sheets. Using 2 hands on miết 2 by way of motion chest elected from bottom to top, from the outside in. Every evening, after her sister bath should perform this action within 7-10 minutes will have distinct effect.

Cold Stone has astringent effect on the skin outside and cool off the fat cells under the skin so it will make a nice and more toned.

Breast enlargement by cam

As well as the tomato, orange is one of the fruits contain essential oils bring fragrance and more vitamin C, very delicious and nourishing for the body. Vitamin C in Orange have uses to hold the chest not deformed, do the full bloom toned chest. Particularly in Orange contains about 170 mg of phytochemicals including skin substances and helped anti aging skin smooth chest, nice breakfast.

Eat oranges before or after breakfast will help you to increase the size of chest. You should also drink orange juice every day, because in the orange juice contains more calcium than dairy products. In particular, in Orange contain Limonoid works in preventing cancer and detoxify the body. This is the breast enlargement secrets in a safe healthy folk helped women with breast cystic enlargement round confident sexy.

Sex the right way

Many studies have shown that sex the right way to help women have a full stretch and sexy breasts. This is also suggested for the guy to be stimulating the chest fit your life, help you look more sexy. While doing "it", the sisters can thanks to her husband, the massage to the muscles of the chest are "better" exercise.

Fitness exercises

Very simple exercises to help you get beautiful breasts, get back in shape after childbirth and raising children .

The upright, legs wide open by shoulder, put your hands on the front of the shoulder, slowly bringing the hands to the sides, hold for 5 seconds. Repeat the movements 12 times.

The upright, legs wide open by shoulder, both hands raise straight up high, so keeping for 5 seconds, and then slowly lower your arms to the sides, horizontal by the shoulders. Repeat the movements 12 times.=
