Surprise with 5 familiar vegetables with low calorie helps women reduce fat, lose weight 'rumble'

Dieting is the way many girls choose to lose fat, lose weight quickly. However, when we start dieting, what we lose is water in the body. In the first few days, you can lose weight quickly, but a few days later, when the diet returns to normal, your weight will 'jump' immediately. Here are five amazing low-calorie vegetables, which help girls increase intestinal peristalsis, and long-term weight loss, effective and super-sustainable weight loss.


Each 100 grams of spinach contains only 17 calories. Spinach is also rich in fiber, which helps promote intestinal motility effectively. This is one of the favorite vegetables of girls who like to lose weight, keep fit.


Kelp contains unsaturated fatty acids and fiber helps purify and detoxify the intestines effectively. This is also a type of girlfriend vegetables should be close during the diet.


Lettuce is an ideal weight loss solution because they work to fill the stomach, helping users not feel hungry. In addition, because of the high water content and vitamins, eating salads also helps girls have smooth, youthful skin.


Cucumber contains the lowest calories in vegetables. Moreover, this is a vegetable with a crisp, fragrant and nutritious flavor. Cucumbers can be eaten raw or cooked.


Broccoli is rich in soluble fiber to help eliminate intestinal toxins, reduce cholesterol and control blood fat. Broccoli rich in carotenoids, lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene and many other powerful antioxidants. Start a diet with green cauliflower to lose weight quickly, effectively, quickly regain slim shape, slim.
