Thank you Super speed with acne leaves take non

According to Oriental medicine, the leaves have a sweet flavor sour properties take cool, have the effect of cooling, the inflammation could be used to patch up the acne treatment skin swelling and fading Melasma.

The leaves take acne treatment effective. bran non

The leaves take non + salt

You get about 3, 4 tops take non washed, drained. Take the leaves take non retired a few crushed grain of salt. Up this mixture onto the skin acne. Maintained in about 20 minutes and then wash your face with warm water.

The juice of the leaves of luffa acutangula

The young luffa acutangula leaves washed, drained and squeezed juice to retire. Wash your face with rose water or cleanser. Lather leaves juice take non up areas of acne. For about 30 minutes and rinse face with cold water.

Luffa aegyptiaca leaves + apple cider vinegar

You get about 3, 4 tops take non washed, drained. Take the leaves take non spicy crushed mix well with 1 table spoon of Apple Cider vinegar. DAB this mixture evenly onto the skin acne. Maintaining the masks for about 20 minutes rồii wash your face clean with warm water.

How to prevent acne thank you

Shielding the skin be careful when out on the street.

Clean the skin 2 times a day with milk cleanser is suitable.

Drink more water, eat more fresh fruit.

There are nutrition and rest, avoid stress and insomnia.=
