The child turns the skin 'fast-track' with fresh ginger

Way 1:

Use powdered ginger, mix with honey and fresh lemon juice according to the ratio of 2:1: 1, mix well into the mixture and then make up the approximately 30 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Fresh ginger helps the child turns the skin effectively.

Method 2:

The mixture consists of 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup olive oil, 2 spoonful of chopped ginger, 1 lemon fresh. Stir the mixture in a small bowl and massage the body was wet in round 1of 5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water you will have unexpected results.

Method 3:

Use fresh ginger, cleaning, pureed mix with bath salts and massage gently the body 3 times a week, each 20 minutes to help the skin more toned, youthful, more energetic stretch vitality, pushing back the signs of aging more efficiently, it is also the effective remedies to help you beat the excessive fat on the body.

4 ways:

A piece of ginger by finger washed, cut thin slices, 10-12 seeds raisins, almond or olive oil.

Mix all of this mixture into a glass jar and place in sealed within 5 days. Then use this oil to massage the entire body.=
