The rule to remember to the banks of the charming environment in the new year

Lipstick Eraser properly

Lipstick Eraser properly not only helps protect your lips.

Lipstick Eraser properly not only helps protect your lips but also help them always soft and Berry both stretch when you not lipstick. Don't think that just use paper towels to wipe the stain is lipstick, paper towels can cause dry lips because they have taken away all the substance in oil on the lips. There are many types of cream can help you properly lipstick eraser that retains moisture to the lips.

The principle used in g

Dark eyes, the pale lips, pale lips, the contrast in dark eyes, which is one of the most basic principles of the art of beauty. Except in the case of wanting to create the impressive way they demolished new principles (often encountered in the Gala, on stage or catwalk fashion).

Wipe the lip and make-up before going to sleep

Wipe, lip make-up before going to bed to help the lips always easy-clean absorption of the nutrients.

Exfoliation on the lips at least once/week

Use the brush to gently brush the type to take away the skin cracking, peeling on the lips.=
