The secret to not dry lips when sitting regulate many

Don't lick the lips

When your lips are dry then chappy signs absolutely not licking the lips. Saliva itself will do the lips we fast chappy.

Licking the lips will make you lips more chapped.

Don't forget to wear a facemask

Sunshine, dust, smoke ... will make the lips not clean so use the lips cover the gauze again. At the same time pay attention to use lip cream.

Take the dry skin properly

If the dry skin is not properly the lips will bleed.

Often when our skin, chappy will crack out and have excess skin pieces were dry. Many of you will use your hands and tear the skin, causing skin damage and even continue to suffer more than chappy. So, let's gently used warm water to soft lips up and instrumental massages. Alternatively you can also use vaseline to help skin become smooth.


Grab the rose petals soaked in milk, after a few hours of taking out the crushed contaminated and DAB lips up 2.3 times during the day and once before bed. If taken regularly, the humidity of the lips will always be maintained and the lips will always pink.=
