The simple secret to armpit is not getting wet

Dressed in wide

Clothing options are airy, spacious material also helps the under arm sweating restrictions.

Airy clothing choices to reduce perspiration.

Massage your armpits

Press the left hand, push the right armpit, left armpit of Indian arm, use your thumb to push the spring vents, massage until numbing feeling, hot and sour smell. Usually after 3-5 minutes to be effective.  Raise one arm up, to the thumb of the left hand on the shoulder, and middle finger flicking light, can slow rapid flicking preferences, alternately flicking hands.   Don't worry too much

There are many situations that cause anxiety and make the sweat glands under your arm stronger activity. When you become anxious, heart palpitations, dry mouth and you start sweating. It is a fear response, your body will enable to you will be healthy enough to deal with the situation uncertain or likely to be dangerous.

Let's explore what triggers your anxiety, and try to accept that some circumstances are beyond your control. Sleep at least 8 hours a day and think positive.=
