These seemingly innocuous habits make the skin pimples

In addition to common factors such as hormones, skin allergies, acne also comes from seemingly harmless habits in daily life. These bad habits can be classified into three main groups of causes: acne, improper skin care, poor hygiene, and unregulated activities.

Therefore, to prevent and prevent acne thoroughly, let's find out the common causes of acne that we are very subjective to ignore the following.


Skin care acne is an important issue to help girls limit damage and improve the skin when acne. However, in the daily acne skin care process, you are susceptible to mistakes that make acne skin conditions become more serious such as:

Wash your face too much

Removing sebum, makeup and dirt is important to reduce new acne. However, if you clean your face too often, with a high frequency every day will make the skin unbalanced pH makes the skin become dry and more sensitive, thereby enabling acne outbreaks difficult to control.

Ideally, only wash your face about 2 times / day in the morning when waking up, the evening before going to bed.

Do not remove makeup before going to bed

Frequent use of makeup and forgetting the makeup remover before going to bed is a major cause of acne outbreaks. When we bring makeup that is covered with dirt, dust and dirt from the street home without good hygiene, it will clog the pores, gradually cause not only acne but also change skin pigmentation.

Normal cleanser can not remove all makeup, so removing makeup before going to bed is an extremely important and necessary to release and unclog pores, avoid acne raging condition. .

No shielding, protecting the skin when on the road

With the smog, pollution common on the road today, you need to focus on protecting your face before going out. Because this is also the cause of direct effects on the face, clogging pores, increasing the risk of premature skin aging and acne.

Therefore, limit direct sunlight exposure between 10 am and 4 pm, wear sun protection clothing with a wide-brimmed hat and whether you have acne or not, always Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher at least 20 minutes before going out.

Do not forget to wear glasses and face masks before going out to minimize the risk of acne.


If you have to spend a lot of money to treat acne but still not effective or recur many times, you need to reconsider the following hygiene issues:

Do not clean makeup

This is one of the bad habits that many people often ignore. Makeup that is not thoroughly cleaned can completely cause acne. The reason is that the leftover cosmetics along with sweat, dead skin will create conditions for bacteria to multiply, invade and cause acne on the skin in the next use. Therefore, please clean your makeup regularly, while limiting the use of cosmetics with others.

Regular cleaning of makeup tools to avoid causing skin acne.

Lazy shampoo

If you have oily hair, during shampooing, oil can run down your face and cause acne. So often need to wash your hair to remove excess oil on the forehead, face and nape of the back to prevent the appearance of acne.

Dirty head is also the cause of acne that you did not expect.

Touch your face often

Did you know that the skin on the face is a particularly sensitive area on the body so when acne often makes us feel uncomfortable, irritable. However, you absolutely should not touch the acne directly. Because daily hands are exposed to so many different objects and the habit of touching the face will only give bacteria the opportunity to stick to the surface of the skin, while increasing the risk of acne. more fish.

Do not touch the acne-prone skin if you do not want to worsen.

Do not clean bedding

In addition to focusing on the above routines, you should also pay attention to the items used in the home, especially the bed. This is where your skin comes into contact every day and if not cleaned, it increases the risk of frequent acne.

Pay attention to changing bedding every 1 week and once washing to minimize the dirt causing acne.

No moderation activities and scientific sciences

In addition to proper skin care and clean hygiene of related items, you also need to build yourself a moderation and scientific activity to prevent and prevent acne from appearing.

Lazy drinking water

Do not wait until your thirst is dry to remember drinking water, because our bodies need 2 liters of water a day. In addition, drinking enough water during the day will help purify the body, create a feeling of refreshment, alertness and support to improve shiny, healthy skin, prevent acne from appearing.

Dehydration can lead to bowel dysfunction - the leading cause of toxins that build up, causing acne. Therefore, need to add enough 2 liters of water per day to reduce acne.

Eat lots of hot spicy food, grease

Several studies have shown that eating too much spicy foods such as chili, pepper, fat, and hot foods increases the secretion of mucus from the skin, causing acne to grow more.

Instead, add a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to beautify your skin and prevent the risk of breakouts.

Greasy foods, or hot spicy foods, are actually not healthy, but are also the leading cause of acne.

Lazy motorists

When the body is less active, the toxin excretion through the skin is also worse, gradually making your skin worse because toxins and waste accumulate under the skin more. This is also the cause of skin diseases such as acne, dermatitis. Therefore, you should spend 30 minutes a day to do sports activities to improve the metabolism of the body and to help the mind lucid, refreshed, beautiful body, balanced.

Sport will help you increase resistance, regulate the body and unclog pores, help reduce acne types very well.

Stay up late often

When staying up late, the sweat glands as well as the oily glands will work harder, which makes the pores are not well opened leading to acne. Especially if you have oily skin, you are more likely to encounter this condition. The more often you stay up late at night, the worse the skin will be, the more pimples will come up and this is also the reason why no matter how many acne treatments you use, acne still doesn't get better. So, change this habit and try to go to bed at the same time every night, should sleep 7-8 hours a day to limit the appearance of acne.

Not getting enough sleep or staying up late is one of the acne-causing habits that many people often suffer from.

Tension lasts

If you often have to think too much, it will make the brain stressed, tired and make the sebaceous gland stronger, the stress hormone cortisol itself will inhibit the activity of the internal organs. the body. At this point, your skin will not get enough oxygen and necessary nutrients, so the skin surface is often dry and rash. This is the reason why the immune system is working less, leading to the opportunity for bacteria to attack and cause acne throughout the face.

Researchers have concluded that the severity of acne will be much worse with increased stress.

Instead of maintaining bad habits that can be harmful to your skin, take proper skin care to control and improve acne. With just a few small changes, you can own a smooth skin and say no to acne.
