Tips for teeth whitening, breath cool scented balls

Clean the blades

You need to clean the blade after a meal to breath be uncomfortable.

The tongue is covered by a class through a microscope looks like a "mushroom forest". Under that mushroom forest is home to bacteria and some food we've used. That is why unpleasant smelling breath. So, you need to clean the tongue after brushing or after a meal.

Eat cheese

What kind of Camembert, Roquefort and blue cheese is the kind of good for keeping the breath back, not to fly it out. A number of other milk products also have the same effect .

Sour milk

In addition to beauty skin, yogurt also contains substances that help push back the hydrogen sulfide compounds reduce (causes bad breath) in the mouth. Every day should be eating 2-3 boxes of yogurt will help you both own a white smooth skin, and causing cooler breath, prevents bacteria attack the cause of bad breath.

Use lemon juice brush teeth

Be squeezed lemon juice diluted with water with a little salt and use a brush to rub this mixture onto the hand of the page rang. After a time the stain disappears, you will have a nice white teeth.=
