Treat dandruff effectively by lemon juice

Lemons have lots of Vitamin C, have the effect of removing the slime on the scalp, dandruff and hair loss effectively. A smoking brings many great uses. This is how popular hair loss treatment of her, the mother before and until now along with the results of the Bo.

Bad habits that cause hair suffer dandruff

Dandruff causes many annoyances in life.

If you are maintaining this habit, don't wait for what the Americans did when the decision to split them. Idea as harmless but not, they may cause your scalp produces "snow flower".

Shampooing too strong, use nails scratch the scalp instead of massage with the fingertips.

Use too much and not discharge discharge oil clean.

For bending, straightening the hair regularly.

Allergy Hairspray, dyes.

Often scratching their heads when it is working.

How to treat dandruff with lemon juice

Lemons have dandruff treatment effective horizontal use with styrax links

Squeeze a lemon into a glass of clean water, retaining the body shell. Wetting the hair with lemon juice and thoroughly massage the scalp section in minutes by determined the lemon rind. After that, the hair with the lemon water discharge. Do every day 2 times until clean dandruff. Then, do the once a week to prevent the recurrence of dandruff.

How to use a lemon is warm 2 cups of water, squeezed into a lemon, add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Use this mixture to wet hair and scalp, massaging the scalp thoroughly. Hair by hair scarf hooded and then slept till morning, then shampoo as usual. After the dandruff off just 2 weeks to do once.

Comb should also be soaked in lemon juice mix water according to the ratio of 1:1. Note, do not use common strategies with others. When shampooing, should not take the water too hot because that will prevent the scalp secrete oil in dandruff prevention.=
