Treatment of bruises quickly with turmeric powder

According to Oriental medicine turmeric yellow also called Jiang Huang, spicy, bitter, calculating the average has the effect of air action, blood, blood stasis, tan tan and do reduce pain, bruises.

Powder mix with milk will help clean the bruises.

Bruises treatment technology

Way 1:


2 tsp starch technology.

2 tsp of fresh milk without sugar.

How to do:

Also similar to the above method is to mix the 2 ingredients together until the mixture fluffy match fad, then use this mixture of cut-up face, so in about 15-20 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Done regularly 2-3 times per week, you will feel the effect that it brings.

Method 2:

Technology is a good choice to help sisters heal bruises.


Turmeric powder, rice vinegar, honey.

How to do:

Wash the face, mix apple cider vinegar 1:3 with water, use cotton pads onto the DAB page removal..After the dry, retrieved earrings dotted on pure vinegar and illuminate the deep spot, to the dry surface and then use fresh turmeric with honey illuminate the deep spot. To wash fresh technology, use fresh milk, fresh milk into the bowl for then use the eraser to wipe the page clean cotton.=
