Treatment of Melasma, freckles effectively with Bell Peppers

Red Bell Peppers is a tasty fruit can be used to eat raw or cooked. Red bell peppers contain more vitamin C, fiber and vitamin B6. Moreover, it is rich in carotenoids may help prevent wrinkles and enhances blood circulation to the skin, helping it to look more youthful. In particular, bell pepper also helps to relieve pain, prevent cancer, ...

Red bell pepper may help prevent wrinkles and enhances blood circulation to the skin.

How to make bell pepper cream treatment Melasma


-2 red bell peppers

-½ cup sugar

-300 ml of water

-1 lemon

-2 ripe mango fruit

-vanilla ice cream

The way of processing:

-Wash the Peppers, cut in small pieces

-For the peppers into small saucepan, add sugar and 300 ml of water to the rim until the peppers are soft in about 30 minutes, then let the lemon juice to the boil until a match then the mixture poured into a bowl, stored in the refrigerator.

-Mango Cut into 2 cm long pieces, lined out and give in to the fridge.

-Removed 1 tablespoon vanilla ice cream served with a mango pieces and sprinkle soy source up on a sweet pepper sauce then.

Bell pepper cream will give you the amount of vitamin C needed Skin Whitening and help fade the freckles.

How to prevent Melasma, freckles

Avoid direct exposure to sunlight especially in peak hours: from 10 h to 15 h.

Avoid mental stress to long on, should sleep each day from 7-8 am, taking time to relax, exercise regularly.

Construction of proper diet and supplements many vitamins from fruits and vegetables to increase resistance to the skin from the inside.

Limit the use of skin whitening cosmetics, anti-Melasma, the only immediate impact. By the categories containing many powerful cleaners, new skin bleaching at will, beautify the skin, but use long long time, increasingly eroded skin, skin will appear. Then, you take several very prone to Melasma, freckles. In addition, the cream has small amount of mercury, if long-term use will cause skin atrophy, leading to permanent skin lightening phenomenon.

Enhance health, resistance to external skin with skin care products with natural origin has the effect of restoring and protecting the skin.=
