Underarm hair removal recipes at home with super fast technology

Turmeric powder and fresh milk

Turmeric powder and fresh milk help waxing armpits at home quickly.

Mix well the 20 gr powder, 10 ml fresh milk without sugar together and then rub all over skin areas should evacuate the feathers. After 20-30 minutes then rinse with warm water. After you rinse the mixture, you should moisturize the skin by DAB were coconut oil or rose water. Made this way will often fix the condition HIRSUTISM, you skin under the arm you are beautiful white light.

Turmeric powder and cucumber

Shaved Peel cucumber, grilled. Squeezed lemon juice. Mix cucumber juice with turmeric powder and lemon juice. DAB the mixture onto the armpit for about 15-20 minutes. Cleanse the skin. You can use this mixture 2-3 times a week. Continuous use in 1 month will radically effective underarm hair for good.

Egg white and flour technology

Retrieved 1 chicken egg white mix well with 1 table spoon of turmeric powder and 1 spoonful of fresh milk without sugar. Clean the armpit, then DAB onto skin under armpits. 20 minutes after the rinse with warm water. You should use this armpit hair cleansing way 2-3 times/week. After 3 months you will see unexpected results when these other obnoxious hairs are gradually disappearing.=
