'Weapons' powerful rapid eye cure


Vitamin A in carrots has also helped nurture the crystals and the eye, at the same time it is necessary to help the muscles in the eye on works real good.

Vitamin A contained in carrots help the eye very well.


Tomato moi, use tablespoons water into an inch of his retirement, add less sugar, stirring after 15 minutes then the face using warm water rinse. Tomatoes contain many vitamins, Ca, has the effect of making white, blurring the black pigment, white sugar has the effect of removing the dead cells.

Tomatoes contain many vitamins, whitening effect, blurring the black pigment.


Cucumber (cucumber) contain the beneficial antioxidants like peroxidase and phenolic compounds, which help stimulate the circulation of blood. In addition it also contains vitamin K enhances the protein, limiting the risk of formation of dark circles eyes.

In addition, regular face mask with cucumber as well as eat cucumber regularly is also one of the "weapon" that you can use to combat dark circles eyes.=
