What kind of fruit fly fight belly fat

1. Strawberries

Strawberries don't have more calories helps you girl owns are slender waist.

The girl certainly preferred the ripe strawberry, they look very attractive and palatable. Especially strawberries help anti aging well and no more calories helps you girl owns are slender waist. Strawberries do not contain much fat so the girlfriend assured excess grease will not have the opportunity to accumulate. 2. Papaya


Papaya contains many B vitamins, fiber and antioxidant, very good for metabolic processes. Papaya juice, papaya smoothies, fruit salad or câysẽ help you have a neat slender waist as desired and a great beautiful skin is not just a beauty center to spend much money back lot when adverse to your skin.  3. Banana


Add a fruit helps target belly fat through anymore it's banana, because bananas are rich in fiber, vitamin A, potassium, ... to help stabilize the digestive system, strengthens the muscles and features a diuretic. For those who often suffer from constipation, dry skin, banana is the ideal fruit.  4. Pineapple


The girlfriend is still often drink pineapple juice to lose fat abdomen with fruit for efficiency. But in many pineapple road but a piece of pineapple contains only 82 calories, helps you to insert more energy into the body without the fear of being weight gain. In addition, the pineapple is also the effects against cancer, AIDS digestion.  5. Grapefruit

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This is the kind of fruit that helps make the most efficient belly fat target that many people often use. Grapefruit contains many nutrients that are beneficial to health, such as: water, vitamin C, fiber, compound carbon hydrate, ... further also reduces the amount of body-this substance isulin is to reduce the fat burning process in the body  6. Tomatoes

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The tomato is considered the method of weight loss for the latest of Japanese women, this succulent fruit, rich in fiber and vitamin C, A very low calorie, and especially it helps you lose at least 2 kg in 1 month.  7. Watermelon


Watermelon-flavored sweet cool, non-toxic, heat, composed primarily of watermelon is water (containing 94% water) very few calories, so you can eat watermelon all day long without worry surpasses CAL regulations. Moreover, watermelon also makes you no more, reduce the amount of food loaded into your day, so watermelon is considered the ideal weight loss menu.  8. Mango


Butter contains a lot of beta-sitosterol-substance reduces the rate of cholesterol in the blood. Eat a fruit butter every day will help reduce 20% of fat rate in just over a week. In particular, oleic acid-fat kind impede rapid absorption will stimulate the body's reaction to a temporary halt the starvation.  9. Apple


Apples are low thermal plants, when you eat more apples, heat the body will absorb less than when you eat different foods at the same weight as the weight of your natural body. Weight loss menu 3 days along the apples as follows, you will only have apples and water in 3 meals, also does not have any other food, just eat until you feel full, and it's best to eat a Red Apple (washed, peeled to avoid smoking to preserve).  After 3 days, your taste buds will be very sensitive, you should eat with foods such as congee, tofu ... to regain balance the digestive system.  10. Olive


Fat in olives is a monounsaturated fat. Diets containing fat will promote harmful cholesterol rate to beneficial cholesterol, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In particular, the olive is also effective in preventing breast cancer. There are many olive dishes for you to choose: salad olives, pickles, olives, olive mix garlic, or replacing animal fats with olive oil in the production of food, the world is round two also reduce fat mass.

11. Cucumber


In cucumber contains sulfur and silicon, which is beneficial for the kidneys, to help the kidneys excrete uric acid and limiting the process to produce fat cells in the body. Add to that cucumbers have cooling properties, contains more water should be very good for health. Pineapple contains 85% water, bromelain enzyme and have the ability to decompose protein, helps the body avoid some stomach problems.  12. Lemon


Lemon is a fruit that is rich in vitamin C and are the top beauty effects. There is also some lemon in nature help lose fat very effectively. Lemon helps to purifies the process dissolves fat, toxic waste for the liver, kidneys, blood filters, improve blood quality, promote metabolism, digestive system recovery, enhancing the absorption and adjust the balance in the digest.  13. the the kiwifruit


Vitamin C in the the kiwifruit and kiwi fruit high in potassium and fiber that can help you maintain a slender physique, the beauty of your skin.=
