What to do when the skin is degraded after only a few days of wet, rainy weather

Your skin is indeed the most beautiful "creature" on earth. With just a few mistakes in skin care process, a few unhealthy habits can easily turn your skin from beautiful smooth to ugly, old. Or more tired, the change in weather, particularly wet rainy days, wind can also completely be the reason for the skin degradation.

According to dermatologist Madhulika Mhatre in Mumbai, India, with current environmental pollution, rainwater will be accompanied by harmful impurities, which when deposited on the skin can cause irritation. Itching, redness. Your skin is even more prone to abrasion and dehydration if exposed to acid in rainwater.

Rain and wind, together with high humidity, also create ideal conditions for bacteria to multiply, more oil is abundant. As a result, your skin not only has to suffer from the heavy and mysterious feeling, but acne is also easily raging during this incessant rainy and windy period.

However, every problem has a solution, as long as you remember the following 3, the skin is still beautiful and radiant despite the humid weather.

Use a light moisturizer

Even if it rains wet, you should not forget to apply moisturizer. Because, your skin will be one way or another (such as exposure to air conditioning, for example) that loss of moisture, dehydration. At that time, if not added the necessary moisture, your skin will produce more powerful oil, causing acne and leading to the condition of withering, dullness.

So, make sure to apply moisturizer even in this weather. But you need to choose a product with a light texture to avoid feeling heavy, greasy, and do not clog pores.

Still have to wear sunscreen

Overcast weather doesn't mean you skip the task of applying sunscreen every morning. Because, regardless of whether it is sunny or not, UV rays will still attack your skin, destroy collagen and cause dullness, sagging, acne . If you maintain a bad habit, skip the cream. Sun protection on rainy and windy days, you do not need to wait until you reach the threshold of U40, your skin will age without braking.

Clean the skin seriously

As mentioned above, wet rain and wind make the skin more oily, while bringing impurities that are harmful to the skin if you accidentally get caught in the rain. And your task is to perform a double cleansing step, which includes removing makeup and using a gentle cleanser to give a clean, clear and important feeling, completely removing residues, harmful residues.
