White, extremely slender shape easily with pineapple

Pineapple skin whitening

Formula 1:

Pineapple flour and masks help smooth skin.

Mix the juice and flour will be make a mixture. Wheat will help support the exfoliation of pineapple. Besides, wheat will also bring about the smooth soft feeling to the skin.

Recipe 2:

You need to prepare a bowl of coconut milk and a bowl of pineapple juice. Mix the two ingredients and smeared all over your skin. Rinse with warm water.

Weight loss with pineapple

Formula 1:

These enzymes contain in pineapple will have the effect of promoting the process of food digestion and reduces the amount of fat in the body significantly. Besides, pineapple also works against the harmful effects of the oxidation process, so if you drink pineapple juice regularly will not only lose weight but also younger for longer.

Recipe 2:

The other way is to cut the pineapple into small and thin pieces and then mixed with Greens, tomatoes, cucumbers to make into salads, delicious, cheap, support weight loss.=
