White teeth peel off after bleaching with baking soda but the benefits are bad

Is baking soda used to destroy, damage teeth? Learn the advantages and disadvantages of using baking soda with experts.

Using baking soda is not effective, because of where?

Our teeth are considered a living gem. That means that hard but teeth can still be worn. And the cause of tooth erosion is your daily brushing. Brushing your teeth the wrong way will cause a lot of damage to your teeth, making whitening teeth with baking soda impossible to save your teeth. And often we will blame for 'useless' baking soda, not to mention that our teeth are being destroyed by the way you take care of your wrong teeth.

Risks associated with baking soda

Wearing teeth

In the erosion problem there is a term called Relative Dentin Abrasivity (RDA). This is the term used to rank abrasion to other materials with indexes from 0 to 200. The lower the index, the less abrasive the tooth is. The RDA of baking soda with teeth is 7. This indicator shows that baking soda is still capable of causing tooth erosion but not too large. So baking can still be used if used properly and in the right amount.

Baking soda contains aluminum?

Studies have shown that baking soda is completely free of aluminum. This may be a mistake from some manufacturers who labeled 'aluminum free baking soda' which does not contain aluminum in baking soda in their products. This makes customers mistakenly believe that baking soda is always accompanied by aluminum or in baking soda with aluminum components so new brands label it.

What about using baking soda?

Baking soda is capable of eroding teeth, even if used too much can damage the protective membranes of teeth and gums. This membrane is a protective film for teeth and gums from harmful bacteria. When this membrane is damaged, it means that the tooth will be easily damaged causing tooth decay, bad breath, .

Benefits of baking soda

Improve pH for oral cavity

PH plays a huge role in determining which bacteria can reproduce in our mouths. The lower the pH, the higher the acidity of the oral cavity, the higher the risk of tooth decay. Using baking soda will improve this pH index, making your mouth healthier with a pH of 8.3.

Reducing bad bacteria populations in the oral cavity

Many studies have shown that baking soda with baking soda also reduces bad bacteria populations that damage teeth. In addition, baking soda is a tool to reduce the causes of periodontal disease.

Remove stains outside the teeth

Baking soda is abrasive, so proper use will cause baking soda to erode the stains outside the teeth, namely yellow stains. Since then, it helps to make white teeth significantly more without using white tooth paste or whitening kit, .


So between the benefits and risks that baking soda brings, should you use baking soda? The dentist still recommends that you do it with baking soda, just take care of the dosage. Often when baking soda meets saliva, it melts very quickly. If you don't disperse the baking soda, it will cause the baking soda to dissolve into the saliva and accumulate in one place, causing significant erosion. So doctors recommend that you only use small amounts, mix with toothpaste and brush one side of your teeth in the morning, the other side in the evening. This will make baking soda work more evenly, not affecting dental health.

Baking soda has different advantages and disadvantages, but the disadvantage of baking soda is negligible compared to the advantages. So use baking soda scientifically for better dental care.
