whitening effect of perilla leaves

Perilla ingredients contain a lot of nutrients like Vitamin A and C, which help to whiten up after use. In addition, perilla is also effective in exfoliation, increasing moisture for the skin, anti-aging. From there, it will return to you the white, smooth and stretched skin.

Perilla does not only have health effects but also helps to whiten the skin effectively.

Ingredients to prepare

- A bunch of big chives

- 1 pot of water


- Perilla is bought, remove the broken ball leaves, wash under cold water and drain.

- Put the perilla in the pot of water, put on the stove and boil until boiling, turn down the heat, simmer for about 5 minutes to make the essential oil in the perilla to drain out the water.

- Turn off the stove and then pour the perilla leaves into the pot, add warm water and bath.


- Bathe yourself with warm water to expand the pores. Then use the ladle to scoop the perilla leaf water from top to bottom so that the body is wet with perilla leaf water.

- Remove perilla leaves rub on the skin, rub all over the body, especially the knees and elbows are darker areas of skin. Rub about 3-5 minutes until the leaves are broken.

- Rub the perilla leaf with water to your body and massage gently to soak the oil deeply.

- Finally, bathe your body with clean water.

Apply this method 4 times / week to get the best effect. After 1 week you did not believe that your skin could tone up so fast.

Simple, but the effect will surely surprise you.

Some notes when bathing in white with perilla:

- For high effectiveness, you should exfoliate before bathing. You can use smooth salt or sugar to apply evenly to damp skin to make skin smooth and smooth.

- To avoid irritation, allergy, try the perilla leaf water on the inside of your arm for 15 minutes before showering.

- Boil every time using perilla leaf water that time, avoid leaving it overnight because all kinds of leaves in the wild for overnight will be very damaged causing bacteria.

- Do not abuse more than 2-3 times / week or cause harm.
