Wrinkle reduction to Tet

The road

Sugar face massage will reduce wrinkles.

You use the way to massage the face every day. Both the black and white lines are lines that contain glycolic acid is corrosive. This acid is the main ingredient in these products take care of aging skin regeneration. As such the glycolic acid in sugar will "eat" the wrinkles, while "Transformers" coral skin have "less resistance", in favour of a skin full of vitality. You should use the path for those areas of the skin are wrinkles that don't worry was the effect .

Beet and carrot juice

Combine beet juice and carrot to enhance vitamin and natural compounds, helps your skin look more youthful. Mix the beets and carrots according to the ratio of 1:1, apply to the face for at least 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. After the dry skin, use your hands to Pat penetrant nutrients.

Green tea

Green tea contains polyphenols, which help protect your skin from the Sun. We also do se snugly pores, moisturize, soothe and prevent aging. Brewing a tea kettle and let it cool. Mix 3 TSP of tea and 3 TSP of flour. Obliterate all the mixture on the face and rinse after 15 minutes.=
