You need to add nutrition from inside to have beautiful hair

There is no shortage of hair care products on the market that promise to bring you beautiful hair. But beauty is only really sustainable when the body is healthy from the inside. Diets that have a huge impact on hair, lack of iron and protein can cause hair loss and scaly hair. So, add good hair products below if you want a healthy body and smooth, shiny hair.

Hard to eat green vegetables: Vegetables are not only good for skin but also extremely good for hair. Dark green leafy vegetables will keep your scalp and hair healthy like: spinach, spinach, fish lettuce .

Dark green leafy vegetables including kale, spinach and broccoli provide your body with a range of essential nutrients, from which your hair will be healthier. Eating lots of vegetables is sure that the skin and hair will be beautiful, but only green will not make you bored. Eat a variety of vegetables. Dr Glatter said: "Bell peppers are a rich source of vitamin C, or sweet potatoes are a source of beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A helps nourish the hair, keep it moist, preventing it from becoming. should be dry and brittle, prevent dandruff ".

Add nuts: Nuts such as walnuts, sunflower, black beans, . provide vitamin E to stimulate hair growth and protect hair from external effects.

Types of fruits and vegetables: Sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, strawberries . these foods help hair grow faster, limit fiber drying, reduce breakage. For women who have dyed their hair, please favor this food because they help the hair avoid dullness, help hair to be colored and hair color longer.

Chicken eggs: Most women know the 'divine' use of chicken eggs in hair care. It contains a lot of vitamin H or Biotin, which is very important for hair, making hair thick, long and smooth. Thanks to Biotin, hair no longer breaks. She doesn't know yet, try once to use chicken eggs to keep her hair, the effect is too unexpected.

Dr. Robert Glatter of Lenox Hill Hospital (New York) said: "Eggs have high levels of biotin and vitamin B, which stimulate hair growth and maintain healthy scalp." Biotin is also a nutrient for healthier nails.

Eating fish meats, especially salmon, will provide minerals, omega-3 and extremely good vitamins for health and hair. In addition, salmon also contains insulin that reduces baldness.

Indispensable dairy products : Cheese, milk ice cream, yoghurt . contains a lot of calcium, vitamin D, iron, magnesium, . making blood blood circulation to make hair thinning hair become thick, hard more cable.
