3 BABY SIGNS WILL BE A BRONZE, especially the number of 2 parents who have such children are happy all their lives

Good ability to concentrate

Children are less concentrated, usually the longest to sit for 15 minutes. However, one of the signs of a smart child is that they can focus on something for a long time when they are young, usually before 6 months of age.

Or she can sit and listen carefully to her parents reading a book, even pointing to her favorite picture and turning the page herself. Try to gradually increase the difficulty of the puzzle to stimulate and encourage your child's concentration. And please continue reading the storybook for me!

Children love to laugh less cry signs smart babies

Children do not cry, love to laugh

The laughter of children can be said to be the best medicine, especially for their children. It is necessary to hear the children laughing, even if the parents themselves have something unhappy outside, they immediately vanish.

Therefore, when there is such a child, it can be said that the child has come to "repay" his parents. Smiling children often have a higher IQ than children of the same age that parents do not need to worry when they go to school.

Children love to explore the world around them

Enjoy quiet and explore alone

We know that children are sociable and rarely want to be alone. However, one of the signs of smart babies is that they often prefer to be alone.

Parents should pay attention when they like to play alone or they like to play with older children rather than playing with their peers to improve their emotional and intellectual development.
