3 HALF YELLOW TIPS for babies DO NOT NEED TO USE DRUGS, not all moms and dads know

Cure cheeks for children with betel leaves

Not only star leaf leaves, using betel leaves to cure diaper rash for babies is also a folk remedy that is transmitted and safe but effective.

For Vietnamese people, betel leaves are no stranger. There are many diseases cured from betel leaves. Betel leaf not only has strong antibiotic activity but also has effective antifungal effect with many different fungi.

How to do : The mother picks betel leaves, remember to choose green leaves, not stale, deep, choose 3-4 leaves. Then rinse and soak with dilute salt water to be antibacterial. Prepare the pot to fill 1 liter of water, put the betel leaves in the water and boil.

How to use : Use a clean towel then infiltrate the betel water and boil, let the towel cool and soak it immediately into the affected skin. Performed 3-4 times and lasting for 4 days, it is inevitable that the rash in the baby will be markedly reduced.

Betel leaves do not heal well for infant diaper rash very effectively

How to treat child diaper with coconut oil

Preparation : Clean towels and coconut oil

Usage : First clean the baby, especially the buttocks, groin and genital area for the baby.

She washed her hands with antiseptic soap, then poured a little coconut oil on her hands and gently, gently rubbed on the skin where she was having redness. Massage the skin gently for 15-20 minutes so that coconut oil penetrates into your child's skin

Let me 'liberate' diapers within 3 hours, do not wear diapers for children so they can be as clear as possible. Just wear cool, spacious clothes for children.

Treatment for children with coconut oil is quite effective

Treatment for children with leaf leaves

Because the leaves are cool and benign, they should be used more and more in traditional Chinese remedies, which are effective for treatment: rash, allergies of children. And in particular, use leaves for children to treat diaper rash.

How to do : Choose green leaves, not too young and not too old, leaves are not deep. A grasp is a requirement for 1 execution is enough.

After picking the star fruit, remember to rinse and soak it with dilute salt water. This ensures that the leaves are clean and sterilized.

The leaves are 30 minutes after salt water soaking, squeeze out the water and put in a few seeds of salt and dissolve in 1 liter of clean water in a clean pot.

Note : When your baby has a rash, the mother remembers to clean and keep her body dry. Limit the use of diapers, diapers often to avoid the pain of the baby's skin rashes.

Need to consult a doctor before using!
