3 holy porridge dishes for babies eat delicious snacks hard to resist, every child likes to love

Beef and vegetable porridge

Beef contains a lot of zinc, protein and other essential nutrients very good for the body, especially young children. Therefore, US nutrition experts recommend that parents should feed their babies when they are 7-9 months old.

To choose the delicious fresh beef for baby porridge, the mother should choose the bright red meat, use her hand to press the meat to feel soft, not dry, not crushed, but with a wet feeling, it is fresh meat.

Weaning with beef is quite easy because it can be combined with different vegetables such as vegetables, vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, chayote, celery, . to provide more nutrients. Good for babies, making food more attractive. The most common way of cooking is probably a beef and vegetable porridge.

Material :

- Good rice

- Fresh beef

- Young vegetables

How to cook vegetable porridge beef

- First, mothers clean the beef, filter almost and mince or use a blender according to the age of the child.

- Next, put the washed vegetables into the blender together until pureed and pour the vegetables into a bowl.

- Put rice in a pot with a ratio of 1 part of rice equivalent to 3 parts of water. Bring to a boil on high heat and bring to a boil to reduce heat to low.

- When the porridge is almost ready, pour the beef porridge with vegetables into the simmer for another 10-15 minutes until the vegetable porridge is well cooked. If the child is over 1 year old, moms add a little sauce, salt and seeds to taste and then turn off the heat. Then add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to add flavor and fat for the baby.

Millet porridge

Millet porridge is rich in B vitamins and carotene minerals good for eyes, bright white skin. Making:

- Mom soaked millet according to the ratio of statistics: water is 1:10 for 30 minutes. Pick up the millet and pour in boiling water for 40 minutes until smooth.

From the age of 7 months, children start teething, so they need to add protein-rich foods from meat, vitamins from fruits and vegetables. The dough is cooked in a thicker porridge form.

Porridge shrimp paste, Japanese sauce

Children eat weaning food that eat this porridge regularly helps strong bones, strong, stimulates teething. Mother noted preliminary peeled shrimp and draw back waves very clean offline.

- To make delicious shrimp flakes, children eat all week without bored, mothers prepare 1kg of black tiger shrimp, ½ teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of cooking oil and Japanese soy sauce. Prawn washed, drained, peeled, peeled and roasted with the mixture. When ripe, mother pounded shrimp and roasted dry until fragrant, beautiful yellow.

- Cook congee, add vegetables, shrimp paste and enjoy.
