4 foods to help children cleanse the body effectively, healthy baby grow fast every day

Green vegetables

When you want to purify your child's body, there's nothing better than feeding your child green vegetables. However, mothers need to choose places that provide safe organic vegetables. When children eat a lot of green vegetables, it helps to increase the child's resistance to the body. Besides, green vegetables contain many vitamins that help purify the body effectively, help children better digestion reduce constipation extremely effectively.


Like green vegetables, fruits contain many vitamins that are good for your baby's health. When you feed your child many fruits that contain lots of vitamin c such as oranges, tangerines, and watermelons, they will be very good for the child's resistance. Besides, fruits also help children purify the body very well.

Purified vegetables for the young body


In the nutritional composition of yogurt contains many vitamins and good bacteria for the digestive system of children. When mothers feed their children yogurt regularly will treat constipation, and also help purify the body extremely effectively . Besides, yogurt contains natural beneficial bacteria for children with milk. Sour helps make kids healthier every day.


Every day want to purify the body for your child, the mother should give children a lot of water, can replace filtered water with coconut water, sugarcane juice, fruit juices.

Yogurt is good for health

With this amount of water helps the kidneys work better to eliminate toxins through sweat, urine is a natural way to purify the body to help the body healthier every day.
