4 mistakes in treating constipation in children, making their illness worse

Abuse of enema

When children have constipation, many mothers often give their children use enema to treat symptoms. But if mothers abuse the enema will harm children. Many mothers because they love their children do not want their children to go outside to cry, so when their children have 2-3 days of defecation, they immediately use enema to help them not hurt. However, this will make children dependent on drugs, intestinal motility is not stimulated and unable to defecate naturally affect the intestinal wall.

Give children plenty of formula

One of the diaper mothers believes that when a child has constipation, they should give formula to stimulate bowel movement to help him better defecate. However, in practice, formula is high in sugar and will make children worse in constipation. Mothers should not give children much milk powder, mothers should increase the amount of water to drink or juice with low sugar or green vegetables will help children defecate better.

Children should not eat too much green vegetables to eat just enough

Give your child plenty of fiber

In the composition of green vegetables, fiber helps to soften the stools and is pushed out more easily. But according to experts, it is not necessary to eat a lot of fiber to reduce constipation. You should only eat moderate amounts, not too much fiber, which can make the digestive system overload, indigestible and make constipation worse.

Use soap for babies

Many mothers have a habit of using aromatic soap to clean again to help children after their baby has a bowel movement. But in fact this makes constipation worse and causes more complications such as anal fissures, for example.

Do not abuse enema

When an anal fissure cramps, painful defecation causes children to be afraid and fast, long-lasting will lead to the risk of severe constipation and hemorrhoids.
