4 things that parents of billionaire Bill Gates do not do well for children: The last thing that parents ignore!

William Gates Sr and his late wife Mary have adopted a number of quite different parenting methods. Many people thought it was unusual but it was clear that this helped to liberate their son's greatness. Here are 4 things parents Bill Gates did not do to develop their child's abilities.

1. Do not limit your independence

When he was young, Gates craved independence, so his parents gave him the freedom to do what he wanted. By the age of 13, Gates was often away from home and even at night to have time to use technology devices at the University of Washington.

However, Bill Gates is a person who likes to break the rules. "I was a bit disruptive, always wriggling the questions, rules that my parents thought I had to follow. Therefore, I was a bit dissatisfied with being forced like that," Gates replied in a post. interview with the BBC.

So, shortly after, Gates's parents took him to see a psychiatrist. But after consulting with a therapist several times, they were advised to give their children more time.

2. Don't allow your child to give up things that aren't good

Proficient in many things but Gates's parents also encourage their children to do bad things like swimming or football. They also encouraged Gates to attend music classes. At that time, Gates had tried to learn to play trombones but not so well.

Encouraging children to perform activities that they do not excel at seems to contradict parents' thoughts. The reality is that for parents, it is obvious to protect their self-esteem. But Gates' parents see the problem in a different way: Try new things that allow their son to develop a growth mindset and learn the importance of failure.

"At that time, I didn't know why my parents did it. I thought this was meaningless, but in the end it gave me the opportunity to lead and help me realize that I'm not good at many things, instead of attached to things that I feel comfortable with, "the billionaire shared.

3. Don't force your child to meet parents' expectations

Gates's parents did not expect their son to become a billionaire, but they expected their children to finish college.

"Mary's and my expectations are the same expectations as parents with children in college. It's my hope that I have a degree," Gates said.

So when Gates announced his intention to drop out of prestigious Harvard University, his parents couldn't help but worry. It was a difficult decision but in the end they followed their wishes.

"I can't say I'm not worried. But by that time, I had no more role in such decisions. It had its own idea of ​​how it wanted to achieve its goals - not to mention businesses. the computer he founded with Paul Allen became so desperate for it. Leaving college halfway through was not what I and my wife planned for any child, but Bill seemed to know what it was doing, "Gates said. Sr. tell Forbes.

Supporting the son's decision was ultimately proven to be wise. Shortly after leaving school, Gates moved to Seattle with co-founder Paul Allen to focus on building the "empire" of Microsoft.

4. Don't ignore the importance of the community

Bill Gates parents always actively participate in charity activities and community work. They consider it a way for children to look at learning.

"My wife is a person who deeply believes in the Gospel of Luke: 'Who is given much, must give away much.' So she sees it as an important value in our family. "Mr. Gates Sr. said. And this value has great significance in Bill Gates' charity efforts today.

Esther Wojcicki, YouTube's mother, agrees. In the new book "How to raise successful people," she said one of the biggest mistakes many parents are making is not teaching their children the importance of kindness. She said she was very sad when she realized that more and more children were focusing on themselves, while there were many people out there who needed support.

Mr. Gates Jr. also wrote in one of his books that: "There is a lesson I have learned for many years as a father, lawyer, activist and a citizen, just as simple as this. : "We are all this life and we need each other".

5 things billionaire Bill Gates teaches children

I don't always get what I want

It is difficult to say no to children, but parents should remember, however, that not meeting all of their requirements will teach them to value more than what they have.

Even the richest man in the world sets rules with children when it comes to matter.

Bill Gates's two oldest children had to wait until their 13-year-old birthday to buy a phone, while the youngest daughter had to wait until her next birthday to meet this requirement.

The Gates family agreed that the 13-year-old was the right age to use the phone - the American billionaire revealed in an interview.

By making rules and limits in your family, you can help your child develop patience and self-satisfaction.

If you want something, work

When children want something, ask them to do housework or study well at school. You can motivate your child by giving a child a certain toy or privilege he or she really wants, as a reward for doing well.

That is exactly what Bill Gates did. He asked the children to help with the housework, in exchange he would give the child pocket money.

When life treats you well, respond

Volunteering is a great job to raise children. That is why Bill and Melinda Gates always teach their children to respond to life.

In an interview, Melinda shared that the children saved a third of the allowance to set up a charity. To encourage the children, the couple billionaires contributed twice as much as the kids saved for this fund.

The whole Gates family made charity together. Melinda has made great efforts in reaching out to the less fortunate communities. Sometimes she would take the children with her.

Parents can also teach their children this way. You can start by encouraging your child to give old toys to the orphanage. Older children can help clean up neighborhoods or raise funds for legitimate purposes.

Pursuing dreams and passion

In an interview with Larry King, Bill Gates said he was very lucky to have built a career that he really loved. He also hopes his children can do it. He will help me find my passion by having my children try different things.

You can do the same with your children - by paying attention to your interests, finding your abilities and encouraging them to do so. Through a variety of activities and experiences, you can help your child do better than they like.

Satisfaction about you doing is far more valuable than making millions of dollars.

Invest in education, for children to fishing

Of course, every parent wants to protect their children, not wanting them to be hard or difficult. But you can't hold a baby's hand, love them all your life. Children need to learn the value of hard work.

Bill Gates did this by not leaving millions of dollars for him. Most of his assets will be donated to charity funds.

He made this decision because he wanted his children to understand that only self-working is meaningful and important. He believes that the best for children is a good educational foundation - a factor that helps children succeed in their own way.
