5 foods that are good for the brain, make children smarter every day


Eggs are a rich source of protein in foods, and also contain good amounts of choline, a nutrient necessary for proper functioning and development of a child's brain. Besides, they are also foods that help children become intelligent and increase resistance.


In the composition of fish is also considered the best food for brain development in children. Especially salmon, sardines and tuna are rich sources of vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids. These nutrients are responsible for protecting the baby's brain and helping to fight memory loss in the elderly. In addition, omega 3 fatty acids also provide your child's immunity, so make sure you give your child at least 2-3 servings of this fish per week.

Eggs are good for your baby's brain development


In the nutritional composition of beans are thought to be great for those affected by asthma, and serve as a good source of protein for humans. Besides, it does not help children enhance memory and prevent lifestyle-related disorders.

Green vegetables

According to nutrition experts, green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are rich in folate and vitamins, which are related to brain development very effectively. For young children, it is very difficult for mothers to put vegetables in their children's meals, add vegetables to omelettes and roll with tomatoes to make it easier for them to eat.

Salmon is good for children's brains


In the nutritional composition of yogurt is an excellent source of vitamin B and protein, improving the function and growth of brain tissue. They also contain probiotic bacteria to greatly improve a child's digestive health. Just a cup of yogurt, mixed with some fresh berries makes a smoothie faster and more delicious.
