5 'medicinal' foods for the cardiovascular system contain more calcium to help tall and healthy children outperform friends


In ripe salmon foods is a very rich source of omega-3, salmon will help you lower blood pressure and prevent the formation of a good blood clot for your child's circulatory and cardiovascular system. If in a week, the baby feeds from 1-2 meals.

If your child doesn't like to eat salmon, she can try other oily fish such as mackerel, ocean tuna, sardines and herring can also help you have a healthy heart similar to salmon.


In the composition of avocado, there are many vitamins and nutrients that are good for the cardiovascular system of children. In addition, butter contains a lot of monounsaturated fats, which help your body eliminate LDL and increase HDL levels to help your child's memory better.

However, the mother should not let the child eat a lot of butter, but because eating a lot will cause the child to have dyspepsia and cannot absorb all the nutrients in it. You should only feed your baby 2-3 times a week.

Berries are good for young cardiovascular


In the composition of nuts helps to enhance fiber in the diet will be good for children. In the composition of walnuts, almonds and macadamia contains a lot of omega-3 and soluble unsaturated fats for the cardiovascular system and children's brain development. Besides, nuts also help to increase fiber in the diet, making the child's digestive system better, children grow steadily in height and weight.


In the composition of berries such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries . often contain a lot of anti-inflammatory substances, help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer for humans, especially for young children. If the mother regularly gives the baby berries, it will help her to strengthen her resistance to reduce the risk of dangerous diseases.

Salmon is good for your baby's cardiovascular system


In the composition of spinach contains lots of lutein, folate, potassium, and fiber to help children have a healthy heart.

According to research by nutrition experts, experiments have shown that people who regularly eat spinach and dark green vegetables when growing up are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease and blood pressure.
