5 mistakes in eating make your children short compared to their peers

Let me eat a lot of beef

Many mothers believe that beef is good for the body with good nutrition, but it is not known that beef causes dwarf children. Because beef contains many substances that reduce the absorption of calcium in the body. So, in addition to feeding your baby beef, moms should add seafood and other white meats to make their children's nutritional rations richer.

Mix calcium with milk

Many parents want their children to be very tall, so they often find ways to supplement their children with calcium at all costs. Like mixing calcium into milk for babies to drink. But this is a mistake that parents do not know. This mistake of the mother makes the baby's body only absorb very little calcium in the food, the rest will be excreted after digestion. In addition, this job also makes you prone to constipation, kidney failure, kidney stones.

Give your child too much calcium to make him short

Only bone cooked porridge

Many people in the process of weaning only give your baby bone broth because they think that if they just eat cooked bone broth, they will have enough calcium. In fact, mothers should remember that calcium in bone broth is not easily dissolved. The bone security in 2-3 hours in a pressure cooker causes fat in the bone marrow to rise, but the calcium in the bone water is very little but mostly fat, so it does not help your baby increase height.

Uncontrolled salt intake

For young children, eating lots of salt is extremely harmful. When children absorb more salt, it helps to increase the function of mineral excretion, especially calcium excretion. This means that when mothers let children eat more salt, the baby's body will directly excrete calcium through the urinary tract. Therefore, mothers should not let their children eat salt too early or feed them too salty to not affect the health and height of children.

Only feeding the bone broth makes the baby dwarf

Feed little green vegetables

Mothers in the process of raising children often supplement meats, fish, shrimp, snails, drink new high milk is green vegetables without calcium, so it is not necessary. But they don't know that some vegetables, such as spinach, amaranth, asparagus, onions, and beans, contain oxalates that easily bind with calcium, which enhances the body's ability to absorb calcium.
