5 serious mistakes when giving children weaning make children rickety malnutrition, smaller than friends

Feed your baby too early

Many mothers often have milk for their babies, so they need to feed their babies early. But as recommended by a nutritionist, children aged 6 months or more should be weaned. Because this stage is a necessary stage for your baby to get used to new foods besides mother's milk.

Mothers who give their children too early to eat from 4 months when the baby's stomach is too immature makes them more susceptible to diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders that will make the baby lose appetite, stop eating, grow slowly .

Feed your child too much protein

During the time your child is getting used to new foods, don't give them too much protein. Because when children eat too much young protein has not absorbed, so the stomach and the immature digestive apparatus of children are overloaded causing children to be malnourished.

In addition, many mothers still have less milk because they are afraid that they are too full, they cannot eat porridge and flour to make sure they are not fat. But in fact, for children under 1 year old milk is a familiar and necessary dish.

Do not feed your child early

Grind or filter food too well

Many mothers love their children so they are afraid that they will eat when they eat loudly, they often have a habit of grinding and grinding carefully to eat food so that they do not vomit. These good foods will affect your baby's ability to chew. Besides, when the child does not chew, the stomach does not produce gastric juice that makes the child want to eat and appetite.

Only use bone water

During the period of feeding children, many mothers think that bone marrow taking water to cook for their babies will provide calcium to help their bones become more stable and fast, but this will cause children to be deficient in bone. The cellar does not have enough nutrition for a baby. You should feed your child more shrimp, crabs, vegetables .

Should give children enough food

Meals last too long

Young children often eat very long and meals last for an hour. This is not good for your baby's digestive system because when you eat too long your child will feel bloated, not wanting to eat more. Mothers should focus on feeding their children for about 30 minutes, after 30 minutes, no matter how much they eat or not, they should continue to force them to eat.
