6 absolute food should not eat when a fever

1. Eggs

Eggs are a very nutritious food for health. However, we recommend that people should not eat eggs when a fever. There are many proteins in the egg by so after eating will create a large amount of heat. Children with fevers eat chicken eggs will make for increased body heat does not spread out, so the higher the fever and a very long time off.

Children should not eat eggs when a fever

So, when a fever, should not eat eggs but instead should drink plenty of water, fresh vegetables and limited things that contain more protein.

2. Cold water

When a child has a fever, if you drink too much water for conditioning the body's temperature will not decrease but also a higher fever. Especially in the case of children with fever caused by infectious diseases and gastrointestinal function of loosening the drink water too cold will also be very dangerous to health.

3. Honey

Honey is a food has health benefits, however, if kids eat too much honey when feeling the fever will easily make children with increased body heat and sweet substances in honey will hinder the process kill bacteria by white blood cells.

Kids eat too much honey when feeling the fever will easily make children with increased body temperature

4. Food containing a lot of sugar

When a fever, you should not let children drink fresh water, pure fruit juices such as orange juice, watermelon ... and sweet candies that contain a lot of sugar. Because when the sugar into the body, the white blood cells will destroy bacteria more sluggish.

According to research conducted in the 1970s showed that increased glucose will reduce the ability to isolate and destroy the leukemia for bacteria. So, should limit sugar in time a child has a fever.

5. Food indigestion

When the fever, the child's digestive system is not as healthy as normal, while that of red meats, fish, fish, shrimp, crabs, shellfish, steel trap, other meats containing high cholesterol will cause indigestion.

6. Tea

Nature-fanged in tea will make young body temperature can increase. Drink lots of tea and tea drinking too concentrate will make the brain is in a State of being stimulated, increase blood pressure, leading to further increases in body temperature. On the other hand, if the child is fever which tea will reduce the effects or loses the effect of misoprostol.

Nature-fanged in tea will cause body temperature may rise

In addition, you should also continue to support the immune system by enhancing the baby food is soft, easy to swallow as: porridge, soups; drink juice diluted following the fever has completely or when the body was feeling fine again.=
