6 mistakes when feeding babies

Feed your baby too early

Nutrition experts recommend that the baby's weaning age is round 6 months after birth. At this stage, the baby's digestive system is more stable, the baby's chewing reflexes are better and especially, this time, the mothers have finished the maternity leave, must go back to work so giving It is better for your baby and your baby to learn to eat food.

In addition, the child's digestive system in the first few months of life is still inadequate, eating food too early can prevent him from digesting food leading to adverse effects such as vomiting, digestive disorders, anorexia, slow weight gain. .

Only use bone water

Many mothers think that bone marrow to get water to cook for babies will provide calcium to help her bones become more stable and fast. However, mothers do not know that osteoporosis is actually only high in fat, calcium is actually in bone and difficult to dissolve in water.

Meals last too long

Some mothers believe that if they only eat 1 bowl of porridge and flour, even if it takes a lot of time, it is okay. This is the mother's most common error. I should focus on feeding my child for about 30 minutes, after 30 minutes, no matter how much I eat or not I should continue to force my child to eat.

Give me a snack in a boring menu

If you constantly give your child a regular snack, even if it is something you like, it will make you soon to be bored and afraid to always eat it. You are very sensitive, when you are bored and don't like any taste, when Smelling to the same taste, he immediately did not want to eat.

Like eating it is one thing, and eating often, eating continuously is another thing! Young children also enjoy and have their own taste. Therefore, there are also baby favorites and baby's dislike. However, not every child likes what she is constantly tasting her baby with that dish.

Adding meat and fish too soon

Let your child eat salty flour or porridge with meat, fish, eggs . pureed too early (from the 6th month) will make it difficult for the child to absorb, leading to the baby being full of stomach, indigestion, feeling uncomfortable, crying, crying , vomit or go live for a week, diarrhea . these are the natural reactions of the body.

Seasoning is too salty

Many mothers do not pay attention, when they do not want to eat, look anywhere but forget to think about it.

Young children have a much greater sense of taste than adults, because the bigger the person is, the more 'bottle' the tongue is exposed to because of the many foods, spices, hot spicy substances, so when tasting it eat food for children to eat miles, need a lighter wedge than "tongue" of the mother clearly, not just a little. If your mother complains that you are comfortable with your mouth, you should suspect that you have strongly wedged it (too salty or too sweet) compared to your baby.

In addition, it is necessary to train children to eat as light as possible, which is better for their long-term health. If you are accustomed to eating salty, then children are more likely to suffer from many dangerous diseases, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular, kidney, ., rather than eating light.
