6 step mother great massage tips for baby

For this massage, you need to note use only the force of the impact meat tender in the finger rather than the whole of the palms to massage for babies. Each massage movements should proceed gently, slowly and lasts for about 1 minute. In addition, the need to maintain stable and warm air in the room in time for baby massage.

Prepare before the massage for baby:

-Carpet or soft blankets, clean to most recent.

-Thick towels or blankets to warm up from the baby's hips.

-Massage oil for babies (can substitute with olive oil).

-Paper towels or soft towel to wipe the excess oil.

-Ti (if needed).

-Soothing light.

-Smooth, light music.

The steps for baby massage:

Latest baby prone, head tilted to the side.

Pour a few drops of oil to massage your hands and lightly rub up both hands together to warm.

Lightly claws from the forehead to the top of the head, then go down the spine.

Lightly massage from left-shoulder to shoulder and then changed back.

Light from ancient claws down the side the baby along the spine (attention: do not touch the spine).

From the hips, hands lightly massage continued down to the heel and then change direction.

Repeat the action as above with the two arms of the baby.

My flip children to put baby supine and repeat the movements on the chest and two front hand, baby foot.

Wish you and your baby to have moments of relaxation, comfort with this massage.=
