8 questions parents should talk to the always hard-

1. "I love you"

All of us want to hear this. The lack of it, can reduce the ability of expressing love, the emotion of the child in the future. "What the world needs is love, sincere love". Each of us can bring love. You can start by telling your child that you love them every day.

2. "you can do it"

The mother told her son, "I can do it!" that is being taught the child the courage and determination to face the obstacles of life. When mature, the you'll know risk-taking, knowing look of fear shows up in the eyes and said "Let's make it".

Besides, encouraging young self doing simple things well work out daily for self-sufficiency.

3. "I love you but do not like children to behave as such."

If someone has the intention to take the child into the framework that does not hurt the self-esteem of the child then so should apply this sentence. By doing so the child will understand that when it's bad doesn't mean they themselves are bad, the child is the child value for left. Parents just don't like children to behave as such rather than still wholeheartedly love it and are willing to guide and gave the young to help repair, fix the ones not yet well not mean punishment and dislike it. The result: the child will silence, don't argue back and will redirect to the more positive employment.

4. "I want you to help me solve this."

In the case of the child begins to break the kind of sexual harassment or disturb parents, we can tell you this sentence, for example thanks to older radio off, turn the fan on, folded map into cabinets or doing other things. So young to have the feeling of being welcome, respected rather than reviled and repel. The child will address new work and easily forget nhõng nhẽo intent at first. Should encourage timely praise our children to do better, but everything just stops at a moderate level to the child from getting achievements, love to be complimented.

5. "forgive..."

There are times when people can become negative. Main siblings sometimes is who hurt children. The best way to "beat" the bad properties of the main enemy is the generous heart.

When your child is having trouble with bad kids computer, please help me understand: in response to negative reactions will only lead to hostility and trouble than that. It is important your child to independently in situations being treated, teach your child problem solving a humanistic way and self-esteem.

If the child is in danger when resolving this trouble (even when proved goodwill), allow children to do what is needed to ward off the bad guys (remember her parents need to support children in this situation, to not do anything too).

6. "you should say: Thanks"

Teach a child to say "thank you" that is teaching kids proper manners. The more important it is to teach your child to feel gratitude sincerely anytime anywhere.

Regardless of the tragedy and the pain may experience in life, always costly in the chance to find the good things than when passing through the difficulties. Teach children to express gratitude in any situation the soul rebel, you will raise a man has the power creates unexpected things in all circumstances.

7. "don't ever give up"

Even for a child, life sometimes very difficult. Children may have difficulty in school, difficulty in the relationship. When mature, the competition pressure in work, money makes the situation worse.

When your children want to start anything, should prompt the child to persevere with the selected path, regardless of the failure of one, two or hundreds of times. Your child should understand that if not yet successful, should try the refreshing way. Talk with the child if there is a dream, don't give up your dreams, take a small step by step every day until there is a dream in his heart.

8. "make my own"

This is probably the mantra of many parents. However parents also have difficulty really for children expressing any individuality.

Parents sometimes assume that their children need to satisfy them. So when children take the action they did not accept to be parents can penalize older child forgetting just express yourself.

Do parents, we need to understand the child's decision necessary for the development of the child's personality. The lesson the child obtained from practical action will mean robust network than the words preaching from his parents taught the children "should do" or "how".

You can still teach, guide or reminder. However for the free space to develop their capabilities to take IE you bring yourself to the comfort and for the freedom to express themselves.=
