A critical 9-year-old girl after eating a mango made the whole family panic

According to information from a Korean news website shared that when traveling to Taiwan, the baby's mother bought mango for the whole family to eat, only after 30 minutes, the baby showed signs of breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, and pale skin. extremely critical. The family rushed the girl to the nearest hospital for emergency treatment.

At the hospital, doctors conducted a history, the mother said that the child was completely normal until after eating mangoes. When she was at home, the girl had never had an allergic reaction to this food and no family had a history of this disease.

Doctors diagnosed the baby with a systemic allergy after eating mango. Doctors have timely emergency to reduce allergies, using aerosol to help open the airway makes the baby escape a critical crisis.

9-year-old critical baby after eating mango

According to doctors, people who are allergic to mangoes often have skin rashes, blisters or sneezing and cyanosis. Many patients who suffer from acute systemic allergy, the body will manifest as respiratory collapse, neurological disorders, cardiovascular, multi-organ failure . can lead to death if not timely emergency.

Those who should not eat mangoes

Asthma sufferers : According to experts, those who have a history of allergy to mango should not eat mangoes to ensure their health. Besides, people with asthma should definitely not eat this fruit.

People with diabetes do not eat mangoes

People suffering from skin diseases : Although mangoes are very juicy, they cause heat in, so if you eat a lot, they can cause boils. So people with pimples should not eat mangoes. In addition, rashes, sores, festivals cannot eat mangoes, because eating will make the condition worse.

People with diabetes, overweight : In the composition of mango fruit is often high in sugar, so if you want to lose weight or are diabetic, not eating too much mango will not be good for health.
