Be careful with the recruiting of child violence in preschool

Children who suffer from domestic violence will be a huge psychological damage, wisdom. If adults are early detection and treatment, changing environment, use of interventions ... older will gradually recover. But if not treated or interventions are not enough, it will become sick perched and haunt the child throughout life.

Adults need way to soon get to know children have suffered violence or not:

1. In the morning, before putting the child to the parent class, please take 10 minutes to play and chat with me (with children already know). Parents ask you things like: baby, prepare yourself to the class, and then, in my class like any game for? Or sit with you? Teacher I love you would for? ... If the baby has the expression of fear and prompted about going to school is crying and the parents hand attachment won't leave though was going to be a time of learning and the parents should review the learning environment has really fit yet.

2. The afternoon picking up a child, parents should also talk with you by using the "language of small children": Parents tell it, today I go do fun, in subclasses what, the game tells me to go (ask previous games to capture the emotion of the child); World class the afternoon eating porridge, rice or noodle?; In the class there would nowhere?; The damage you, crying, then fine teacher like?; …

3. In the process of talking, parents need to observe attitudes, gestures, actions of the son (this is also conform with the unknown young said), especially at the teacher and pick from her hand. Children who suffer violence are very easily identifiable through the expressions as children cringe and hang on to their parents, dare not look at her teacher, her mother hug when I run crying boo to pick, startled when night sleep, naturally cry screams, don't like to spot people, ...

When you have the expression that parents need to "mind" with the more skillful than the story, to tell young parents know real. Can I just be fine once caused aversion, can the roi was long ago that parents do not know.

4. the next step is, parents need to speak directly with teachers, stating the child's erratic and asked how her teacher accountability penalize you in class. During the talk, parents need to "catch the wave" fast attitude, her gesture, if something is not true, embarrassing, filled up the best, then licking her parents should look for the one other school. At the same time also need to see directly the headmaster or home school/people management responsibility to clearly indicate the reason and reality.

With how to talk to your child, your parents can resolve the doubt in the beginning: I have suffered violence at school or not. Question content not important by asking, playful attitude, excitement when talking to the child.

In addition, the parents should also learn some of the ways violence in schools that teachers apply to babies are said to be damaged but the other parent to share:

-On the soles of the feet, the hands: this hold has long been "handed down" and told young parents. Soles of the feet, the hands are very sensitive body areas. The child was struck that will feel the pain, the fear but not to leave the bruises.

-Grabbing my underarm: very Young into the pain but doesn't leave a trace.

-Stripped naked, face to the wall to deter children and classmates: usually applied when the child needs to go potty but doesn't tell her teacher that pee, shit his pants.

-Get to the toilet: apply when children eat slowly. The child lock on toilets will have to face the fear and fantasy monsters.

-Continuous vibrations: Make older fear without leaving traces.

-Getting older squeeze limbs for teachers: this is punishment, "gentle" for the lazy baby NAP.

-Getting seated meditation: sitting meditation is a "from" to her teacher banned older running jump, just sitting in class. While not a form of child abuse but this method will become offensive if place in a long time and constantly: banned older works freely, help the teacher looks young when idle.

-For the school have parents camera to monitor activities of the child in school: a teacher want to punish the child will interrupt the electrical circuit breaker, disconnect the camera before "action".

-Teach children to talk about her punishment Act by a different concept: She loved the turtle, it bites ...=
