BETTER FOOD AND HEALTH CARE helps smart children to grow up to become a LEARNING CHILD


Coconut contains medium-chain fatty acids but also has significant health benefits. More surprisingly when people realize that coconut can help giups strengthen the immune system, improve digestion and balance the amount of sugar in the brain.


Eggs are rich in protein and lecithin, which helps to boost memory, improve "attention" very effectively, help children focus more specifically on what is happening in life or lessons learned day

High calcium eggs help increase height for children


Swimming is the first food mentioned in a very good role for young children. In butter contains many nutrients including Omega 3 very high. You can cut and feed your child directly or you can mix with some breast milk to make snacks for your child.


Blueberry is super nutritious food. The fruit contains more antioxidants than any other fresh fruit and is proven to be beneficial for your baby's brain, urinary and nervous system development. In Vietnamese fruits, it also contains a lot of fiber, vitamins A and C.

Avocado helps increase height


Oriental medicine experts believe that pumpkin has a good effect on cleaning the heart and brain, treating negative or hot flushes. People suffering from headaches, dizziness, depression, water stress, poor memory . should regularly eat pumpkin. In addition, they can reduce neurasthenia, memory impairment and impaired vision.


In Oriental medicine, the label is a tonic, having the effect of supplementing blood at a high level, creating peace in mind. Longan has the effect of stabilizing nerves and mental strength, physical and mental events.
